Take a Word Challenge - MALE OF THE SPECIES

Take a Word Challenge - MALE OF THE SPECIES

I was kind of lost what to do, so the first one is my main piece for the challenge.. the other to side products of looking for inspiration.


  1. They are all three gorgeous! Beautiful work from someone who had trouble wondering what to do!!
    Happy Christmas to you and yours! xx

  2. After wondering what to do, you've created not one but three lovely interpretations of the challenge, Ritva. Beautiful and thoughtful work! I was especially drawn to the second one. It sort of hypnotized me!

  3. So beautifully made art pieces. Especially I love the last one.

  4. Wow .. and wow again, Miss Ritva. A trio of gorgeousness, my friend.

  5. These are all so wonderfully made Ritva, I especially like number two, a lonely man on a walk in snow weather.


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